Schötz 2025-3-14

This list contains the GWR features that could not be matched with an OSM object.

Approx. Match column: X: exact match with data in OSM, T: match with different type

GWR NameGWR TypePLZ6Approx. MatchesLocation
Burghaldewegroad624700 X:Burghalde47.16588 / 7.98401
Chilchbrigwaldarea624700 47.16514 / 7.96817
Chilchmatteroad624700 47.17380 / 7.98518
Käsereistrassearea614300 47.16562 / 7.94879
Kurhausroad614300 T:Küferhaus,T:Neuhaus47.16304 / 7.95151
Längackerarea614300 47.15825 / 7.97462
Luterenächerroad624700 47.16873 / 7.97548
Oberhofarea614300 T:Unterhof,Neuhof47.15289 / 7.96630
Rütigrabenarea614300 47.16498 / 7.93458
Seemoosarea624700 T:Moos47.17145 / 8.01763
Studewaldarea624700 47.16284 / 7.96191