Allschwil 2024-12-30

This list contains the GWR features that could not be matched with an OSM object.

Approx. Match column: X: exact match with data in OSM, T: match with different type

GWR NameGWR TypePLZ6Approx. MatchesLocation
Elsternwegroad412300 X:Keltenweg,X:Felsenweg47.55428 / 7.55941
Eselchehrarea412300 47.54301 / 7.50886
Im Rosenrainroad412300 47.55444 / 7.53381
Im Strengigartenroad412300 47.54819 / 7.53415
Im Tiefengrabenarea412300 47.54230 / 7.51045
In der Strengiarea412300 47.54391 / 7.53215
Kleinfeldwegroad412300 47.54983 / 7.52949
Löliwegroad412300 47.54351 / 7.52347
Marie Heim-Vögtlin-Strasseroad412300 47.56211 / 7.55362
Neumattenwegroad412300 T:Neumatten,Neumattenhag47.53768 / 7.52225
Rudolf Geigy-Strasseroad412300 47.56078 / 7.55099