Rothenburg 2025-2-14

This list contains the GWR features that could not be matched with an OSM object.

Approx. Match column: X: exact match with data in OSM, T: match with different type

GWR NameGWR TypePLZ6Approx. MatchesLocation
Bertiswilerwaldroad602300 47.09978 / 8.23174
Chärnsarea602300 47.10302 / 8.27012
Chärnsmattroad602300 47.10171 / 8.27008
Rütihalderoad602300 X:Rosshalde47.10332 / 8.27004
Unter-Ottenrütiarea602300 Unter Ottenrüti47.10578 / 8.29131